Will you pledge your support for the Greenfingers Silver Appeal? Charity aims to raise £2,000,025 over the next three years.

Did you know that the Greenfingers Charity will be celebrating its 25th Anniversary in 2024?  It’s hard to believe that the organisation has been building therapeutic gardens in children’s hospices throughout the country since 1999, with over 60 stunning gardens already built, together providing magical outside spaces for the children and families that call these hospices home or vital memorial gardens in which parents and families can remember those that have lost their brave fight.


To celebrate this incredible milestone, Greenfingers is proud to launch its most ambitious fundraising target yet, introducing the Greenfingers Silver Appeal.


With the cost of gardens increasing and the waiting list for hospices wishing to secure Greenfingers’ incredible vision continuing to grow, this makes the Silver Appeal even more poignant. The aim of the appeal is to raise an incredible £2,000,025; funds which will ensure the charity can continue its work, creating inspiring gardens in children’s hospices across the UK over the next three years and beyond.


To help achieve this ambitious target, Greenfingers has launched a new partnership programme, which will enable businesses and individuals to pledge their fundraising support for the next three years (or longer), with three new partner ‘packages’ available.


Platinum Partners

Platinum Partners will pledge to raise an incredible £25,000 over three-years. Gifts in kind can be included in the calculations.


In addition to playing a pivotal part in supporting the vital work of Greenfingers Charity, Platinum partners will also enjoy increased engagement with the charity including early access to Greenfingers events, invites to all Greenfingers garden open events and access to a wide range of promotion opportunities.


To-date several leading brands have already confirmed their status as Platinum partners, including Clarins, Evergreen Garden Care, AMES UK, British Garden Centres, GIMA, Woodmansterne, Woodlodge, Garden Trade News, Richard Jacksons Garden and Millbrook Garden Centres.


Silver Partners

Over the next three years, Silver Partners will pledge to raise £10,000, with gifts in kind once again included within the total.


Like Platinum partners, Silver Partners will enjoy a wealth of additional benefits as thanks for their support, including 10 hours support from the Greenfingers team, an invitation to one regional Greenfingers garden opening and ongoing promotion through Greenfingers PR, marketing and social media activity.


Companies that have already confirmed their Silver Partnership status include Deco-Pak, Garden Connect, Hornby Whitefoot PR and Rose Press Garden.


Sterling Ambassadors

Sterling Ambassadors, whether companies or individuals, will pledge to raise £2,500 for Greenfingers, whilst also using their efforts to help further the work of Greenfingers over the next three years.


All Sterling Ambassadors – which so far includes long-term Greenfingers supporter, Kate Ebbens of Capi Europe – will be able to join a quarterly Greenfingers meetings plus have access to fundraising collateral.


Linda Petrons, Director of Fundraising and Communications at Greenfingers said: “Reaching 25 years will be an incredibly emotional milestone when we look back on all the incredible projects we have so far brought to life. Over the last 22 years we have been able to work in partnership with some of the most amazing businesses and individuals, who together help us to continue our work year after year. Our Silver Appeal is our most ambitious fundraising project yet and already we are overwhelmed by the positive response we’ve received from those we’ve managed to talk to so far. We hope that more will engage with this appeal and know that every penny raised will make a real difference. On behalf of all of us at Greenfingers and all those that spend time in a Greenfingers garden – thank you. We are forever grateful for your generosity.”


Find out more

To find out how you can support the Silver Appeal, please contact Linda by emailing Linda@greenfingerscharity.org.uk.


You can also join in the conversation by joining Greenfingers on social media – https://www.facebook.com/Greenfingerscharity/, @GreenfingersCha on Twitter, and @Greenfingerscharity on Instagram and LinkedIn.




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About Greenfingers Charity

Greenfingers is a national charity dedicated to supporting life-limited children and their families who spend time in hospices around the UK.  The charity is committed to creating, beautiful, well-designed outdoor spaces for children to enjoy with family, friends and siblings, whether through play and fun, or therapeutic rest and relaxation.  To date Greenfingers Charity has created over 60 inspiring gardens in children’s hospices around the country and has a further waiting list of hospices that need help.

MORE INFORMATION ABOUT GREENFINGERS CHARITY from Linda Petrons – linda@greenfingerscharity.org.uk – Tel 07908 221240 or Kimberley Hornby – kimberley@hornbywhitefootpr.co.uk – Tel 07851 610573






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