The Greenfingers Charity needs your floral shirts!

A visit to the annual Glee exhibition on any given Thursday sees the halls awash with floral skirts, dresses, t-shirts and suits as the industry comes together for ‘Floral Thursday’ – a colourful but hugely meaningful fundraising day for the Greenfingers Charity.

By donning floral attire, Glee exhibitors and visitors are helping to raise much needed funds for the charity, money that will go a long way towards helping Greenfingers create even more important garden spaces at children’s hospices across the country.

Each year you will see Greenfingers volunteers reaching out to Glee attendees as they arrive at the show, shaking their donation buckets and selling raffle tickets for the day’s floral gathering.  This year, however, in a move to make the 2024 Floral Thursday event the biggest yet, the Greenfingers Charity is launching a floral shirt amnesty. Supporters are invited to donate their unloved floral shirts to the charity so they can be “resold” this Floral Thursday to ensure no-one misses out on getting involved!

With no excuses for failing to drape yourself in floral glory, the hope is that even more money will be raised in 2024, beating the £2,076 raised in 2023.

Linda Petrons, Director of Fundraising & Communications at the Greenfingers Charity said: “Floral Thursday has always been a superb way to bring the garden retail sector together and this year will be no different. In fact, we want to make this year’s event the one that truly takes over Glee, which means there’s no hiding for those that ‘forgot’ to bring their floral shirts! With our amnesty we hope to collate a veritable encyclopaedia of the good, bad and the way over the top of floral shirts so that everyone can join in the fun!”

Anyone wanting to donate to the Greenfingers Charity floral shirt collection are invited to contact Linda Petrons via or arrange to deliver their contributions direct to the Greenfingers office in Wendover.

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