The Glee team make their #PowerOfOne pledges – what’s yours?

This Glee, visitors and exhibitors are being encouraged to join the Power of One movement; an international UN-backed initiative designed to demonstrate how a combination of small, individual changes can create a more sustainable future for all. The organising team behind Glee have already made their pledges and are asking others to proudly declare their own ‘one small thing’ commitment.


The Power of One movement is all about committing to making a conscious change to reduce our impact upon the environment and the world in which we live. Pledges could include anything from promising to recycle more, choosing bio-degradable alternatives, or refraining from using single use plastics. Together these singular commitments add up to a much bigger and stronger impact; one that can help lead a positive change.


Showing your support at Glee for the initiative couldn’t be easier – simply visit the Power of One wall to make your pledge. All you need to do is snap a shot of yourself in front of the wall, share it on social media, along with your pledge.  As a little way of saying thank you, ‘pledgers’ will receive a free reusable water bottle, supplied by Glee exhibitor and Power of One partner, Summit International.


You can also join in the conversation on social media by following #PowerOfOne, #Glee19 and #GleeBirmingham.


The Glee team make their pledges

Here is just a selection of the pledges made by the Glee organising team – let them inspire you to make similar choices. Together we can make a difference!


  • My Pledge is to buy from charity shops more often and recycle my own fabrics by taking them to charity shops. #BringYourOwn #PassItOn
  • Avoid fast fashion – take time to find out where and who I’m buying from #PowerOfOne
  • Be more conscious about the brands I invest in and the items that I buy. #ActuallyIcan #PowerOfOne
  • Pledge to only use reusable shopping bags #BringYourOwn
  • Prepare lunches and transport them in reusable Tupperware – rather than buying lunches that are contained in single use plastics #BringYourOwn #PowerOfOne
  • My Pledge is to have shorter showers and save on water consumption! #GetDirty #PowerOfOne
  • My pledge is to recycle as much as I can and to only drink from my reusable bottle. #PassItOn #PowerOfOne #BringYourOwn
  • My pledge is to wrap up warm and turn down the heating at home. #TurnItDown #PowerOfOne
  • My Pledge is to cycle more and avoid polluting the environment #ActuallyICan #PowerOfOne
  • My pledge is to live by the ’30 use challenge’, if I don’t think I’ll use or wear something at least 30 times, think twice about buying! #ActuallyICan #PowerOfone


Find out more

To keep up-to-date on the latest Glee news visit  To enquire about exhibiting at Glee 2019 call +44 (0)203 3545 9752.




Words: 455


For more information, interviews or images please contact:

Kimberley Hornby, Glee PR Team, Hornby Whitefoot PR

Tel: 07851 610573              Email:


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About ITE Group plc

ITE Group plc was founded in 1991 and is now one of the world’s leading organisers of international exhibitions and conferences.

ITE Group’s strategic vision is to create the world’s leading portfolio of content-driven, must-attend events delivering an outstanding experience and ROI for our customers. The Group recently launched its Transformation & Growth (TAG) programme, which is designed to transform the Company from a geographic-led business to a product-led business that focuses on market-leading events, wherever they are in the world. ITE strives to run the best shows and offer the best service to its customers throughout the world regardless of location. By putting exhibitors and visitors at the heart of everything we do, we plan to drive sustainable growth for our shareholders.

ITE Group is a public limited company and has been listed on the main market of the London Stock Exchange since 1998.

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