Superior seed for a superior lawn – Johnsons’ Quick Lawn with Accelerator® is the best lawn seed formula yet

Can you afford not to stock up on Quick Lawn to accelerate your lawncare category? See Johnsons at Glee – stand 20H40-J41

 Retailers can not afford to miss out on the Johnsons Lawn Seed at Glee this month as they will be missing the UK’s oldest lawn seed brand’s most exciting lawn seed innovations for many years. 


Johnson’s Quick Lawn with Accelerator is the most popular seed on the market and is considered the very best in its category. It combines fine-leaved amenity ryegrass and high-quality red fescue offering tolerance to wear, close mowing and wet or dry shaded areas.  But that’s not the only thing in the box…


Johnsons has developed the hardest working lawn seed that makes it easy for consumers to achieve success with their lawns, bringing them back to garden centres to top up again and again on this superior product. So what is the secret behind this exceptional and first-rate lawn mix?


The grass seed

When consumers look for lawn seed, they want a formula that will guarantee fast results, optimum nutrition, resilience against the rigours of everyday life,  and easy maintenance. With over 100 years of experience in plant breeding and seed production under parent company, DLF Seeds is a trusted name in the seed industry.  Through these research programmes, Johnsons Lawn Seed is able to carefully select, cultivate, and rigorously test all of its grass species before combining them into suitable mixtures for domestic use that will tolerate the UK climate.


The drought-tolerant fine-leaved dwarf perennial ryegrass and an element of fescue, are the key grass seeds in Quick Lawn and will give lawns a healthy, strong improved appearance. The quality and versatility of their ryegrass have been modified to have twice as many chromosomes than normal (diploids), giving them a deeper rooting and making the blades harder wearing.






This also makes the grass drought tolerant – requiring just a third of the amount of water that’s usually needed for lawn establishment – with 38% more growth within the first seven days, compared to a non-coated seed.


The Accelerator® coating

The latest Quick Lawn formula represents a significant evolution within lawn seed technology.  As well as the grass chosen, each seed is coated in a carefully formulated blend of biostimulants including seaweed extract, humic acids, amino acids, micronutrients, and root developers.


Quick Lawn’s seed coating is in fact a fertiliser, appropriately named Accelerator®.  Accelerator®contains nutrients and trace elements essential to the health and strength of the grass plants, including nitrogen, magnesium, potassium, iodine, and phosphate. As a natural tonic and soil conditioner, the extra magic ingredient is seaweed extract is also well known for its beneficial boosters for lawns. Grass seeds treated with Accelerator® contain a wetting agent that also improves moisture absorption and accelerates seed growth by helping water penetrate the waxy surface of the seed.


As a result, lawns stay thick and green, and your tills ring as satisfied customers come back again and again.


Helping the consumer

Have a customer in the store that isn’t sure or confident about sowing a lawn? Johnsons keep it simple with QR codes added to packages, which, when scanned by a smartphone ensures customers can access information and clear instructions as quickly and efficiently as possible.  Not only this, the Johnsons’ packaging was given a revamp last year with enhanced visual elements as well as making concerted efforts to improve its sustainability credentials, with its recyclable cardboard boxes.


The updated packaging offers an array of helpful information on its website, as well as its in-store merchandising support This has heralded great results, acting as a silent salesperson to ensure greater sales success within the retail environment and making lawn seed a much better-understood product. Through this content, consumers can rest assured that no matter the question, Johnsons Lawn Seed will provide the answer in a friendly and informative manner.




Guy Jenkins, Consumer Manager at Johnsons Lawn Seed said: “The innovative mix of Quick Lawn is great news for retailers, with its revolutionary formula guaranteed to bring repeat sales. Quick Lawn is designed to continually exceed consumer expectations by

delivering the highest-quality, most beautiful lawn possible. As a result, consumers can rest assured that every single seed variety in Quick Lawn has been carefully researched, evolved and selected by a dedicated team of specialists.”


Quick Lawn with Accelerator-treated seed is available in 210gm, 425gm, 1.275kg, and 4.25kg cartons, also in 10kg or 20kg bags.


Can you afford to not stock Johnsons Lawn Seed’s product portfolio?  View the full range of mixes  at Glee on stand  20H40-J41


Find out more

If you want to start stocking Quick Lawn, then please call your local sales agent or visit the website



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For more information, interviews, or images please contact:

Kimberley Hornby       Tel: 07851610573       Email:

Cassie King                   Tel: 07875337290       Email:

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