Protect your patio from ant invasions with AntFree from Neudorff

A beautiful patio adorned with flowers can set the stage for a picture perfect alfresco dining experience. However, with dry summers predicted to become the norm due to climate change, the nation’s hard standings are at risk of being overrun by ants.


Left uncontrolled, colonies of ants multiply rapidly between spring and autumn, tunnelling in-between gaps in paving and leaving excavated soil strewn across patios and paths. The resulting mess is both unsightly and a slip hazard, and can also undermine the foundations of a patio leaving slabs unlevel, wobbly and crying out for costly repairs.


That’s why Neudorff, a pioneer of natural gardening products since 1854, is coming to the rescue with its AntFree Ant Killer Granules. Certified by the Organic Farmers & Growers’ Association (OF&G), the innovative formulation, containing a natural active ingredient, has a big advantage over traditional ant powders. If applied as a liquid solution, the active ingredient penetrates deep into nests underneath patios and paths – ensuring that insects that do not have access to the surface are controlled, so nests are killed quickly and effectively.


Ants have become such a nuisance in recent years that they took fourth place in the Royal Horticultural Society’s latest annual chart of the UK’s worst plant pests, only beaten by box tree caterpillar, vine weevil and slugs and snails.


Guy Jenkins, Consumer Manager at Neudorff’s UK distribution Partner, DLF Seeds Ltd, said: “Infestations of ants around the house on paths, patios and terraces are increasingly common and come at a time when we’re using our outdoor living areas more than ever before. A well maintained patio provides homes with real kerb appeal, but paved areas strewn with excavated debris and unstable slabs contribute to a run-down appearance. Fortunately, there’s no need to let ants run riot as











Neudorff’s AntFree Ant Killer Granules get to work fast, even where nests are deep underground, ensuring that infestations are quickly and effectively tackled.”

AntFree Ant Killer Granules, which can also be scattered dry for convenience, are based on natural ingredient pyrethrins, derived from Chrysanthemum cinerariaefolium extract. They are the go-to choice for gardeners who strive to control pests using products based on ingredients that occur naturally.

While keeping patio areas free from food debris will help to reduce the risk of ants that make a beeline for a free lunch, controlling nests promptly is the best way to avoid infestations spiralling out of control. According to the RHS, nests contain at least one female queen ant which lays eggs. The queen is commonly guarded by thousands of worker ants that gather food for the colony and enlarge the nest – so drenching gaps in between paving slabs with AntFree Ant Killer Granules is the most effective method of getting to grips with hard to access underground nests.

A 500g shaker can of AntFree Ant Killer Granules has an RRP of £6.99. For details visit or find online stockists on


Neudorff, experts in natural gardening since 1854, is one of the few companies worldwide to develop its own plant protection and plant care products, with the widest range of products certified by the Organic Farmers and Growers’ Association. Since entering the UK market in 2012, the company has built-up a reputation for  offering the highest quality gardening products that are gentle to people, pets and the environment.



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