Post-Divorce – Pay Up!

Ecotricity divorce case ruling (640x427)Many people believe that their divorce is finalised once they have received their Decree Absolute… well you may need to think again!

Dale Vince, Founder of wind-power firm Ecotricity, which was founded in 2011, has been subject to a claim by his ex-wife, who is attempting to receive a cash settlement from her millionaire ex-husband, 20 years after they were divorced.

This week, the Supreme Court justices unanimously ruled Ms Wyatt’s case should go before the family court. Lord Wilson said the court must have regard “to the contribution of each party to the welfare of the family, including by looking after the home or caring for the family”.

Carly Weyman, Associate Solicitor at Harrison Clark Rickerbys, said; “This case highlights the importance of parties dealing with financial matters at the same time as the divorce, even if they have no money at all. It is a vital reminder to couples to obtain an order from the court, in which they both agree that there will be no further financial claims. Had Mr Vince obtained such an order, 20 years ago, his ex-wife would not have been from being able to make any application to Court for financial settlement.”

There is currently no time limit on financial settlements in divorce cases and it would seem from the decision that the Justices may not believe there should be a time limit. This case could also set out some significant guidance on wealth being acquired post-divorce, which could well include any potential inheritance.

To find out more please contact:

Clare Farquhar            T: 01531 640256 | 07795 071569

Claire Brown              T: 07787 505963                       

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