Neudorff invests to ignite sales of organic liquid fertilisers

Neudorff, pioneer of natural gardening since 1854, is investing in online content to nurture the next generation of consumers, in a move that will help garden centre retailers to attract a younger demographic with phenomenal spending power.


The German pioneer of plant protection and plant care products is expanding its free online guides and ‘how-to’ videos for 2022, to inspire and boost the confidence of millions of fledgling gardeners while driving demand for its organic fertiliser range.


Set to feature on Neudorff’s website and YouTube channel, content will highlight the USPs of the company’s portfolio focusing on key topics such as how to plant roses, easy grow-your-own crops including peppers and cultivation of Italian herbs. Videos and projects will highlight the benefits of Neudorff’s redesigned organic liquid and solid fertiliser offering, including the solid Organic Multipurpose Plant Food as well as the liquid Organic Multipurpose Plant Feed, Organic Tomato Feed, Organic Rose Feed and Super Strength Seaweed Extract.


Fresh online content will also focus on how to create bee-friendly balconies, building on the success of Neudorff’s 2021 activities, which targeted consumers who may be renting a property or have limited space to grow flowers, fruit and vegetables. Previous topics that promoted fertiliser sales included building raised beds and growing potatoes and strawberries on patios and balconies.


Guy Jenkins, Consumer Manager at Neudorff’s UK distribution Partner, DLF Seeds Ltd, said: “For decades, the garden retail sector has been deliberating over how to attract a younger, cash-rich but time-poor demographic that is keen to engage

in horticulture but often lacks confidence. It is well known that gardening skills are no longer being passed down through family generations. By investing in producing free

video content and project pages that can easily be accessed and shared online, Neudorff is helping to promote fertiliser sales to a wider audience. Greater engagement with consumers is an essential element of the company’s mission to help UK retailers expand sales of organic fertilisers to a generation that has sustainability and environmental awareness at the core of their purchasing decisions.”


Neudorff’s commitment to expanding its offering of free videos and online projects will build on the success of previous online features, such as ‘What you need to know about aphids’. New content will reinforce the message that regular feeding is essential for healthy flowers, fruit and vegetables – arming consumers with the knowledge to head to stores and select liquid and solid organic fertilisers from Neudorff’s leading range.


For more information visit


Neudorff, experts in natural gardening since 1854, is one of the few companies worldwide to develop its own plant protection and plant care products, with the widest range of products certified by the Organic Farmers and Growers’ Association. Since entering the UK market in 2012, the company has built-up an enviable reputation for offering the highest quality gardening products that are gentle to people, pets and the environment.



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