Millers-Xtra – the leading bespoke fluid management service for the plastics industry

Millers Oils is throwing the spotlight on its Millers-Xtra service – the complete fluid management partnership for plastics manufacturers that helps to maximise production capability, minimise unscheduled downtime and deliver cost savings throughout the entire lifecycle of the oil.


The bespoke Millers-Xtra service, supplied by skilled technicians, carries on long after oil has been delivered and can encompass initial oil fills, oil sampling for preventative maintenance, oil filtration and clean out and service fills. The company’s high-quality oil and condition monitoring service results in extended oil change intervals and can help to prolong equipment life.


Zane Alqadi, Fluid Management Technician, from Millers Oils said: “There is growing pressure in the injection moulding industry to boost machinery utilisation, increase cycle times and productivity, while at the same time reducing waste. Oil should be treated as an asset; if the oil is well maintained it will look after the machines, helping to keep equipment running efficiently by playing its part in preventing any unplanned down time and helping to reduce maintenance costs.









“Implementing a Millers-Xtra programme can offer peace of mind, knowing any unplanned machine down time and maintenance costs are kept to a minimum, which helps our customers to focus on their core business activities.”


Initial Oil Fills see Millers Oils work with Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEM’s) to supply and fill high quality hydraulic oil for injection, blow and compression moulding machines, taking care of all insurance, risk assessments, method statements and required paperwork for full audit compliance. The technicians will filter the oil until the recommended OEM ISO code, or better, is achieved. On completion, the ISO code is recorded and e-mailed to the customer. A sample of the oil is also sent back to the Millers Oil lab for testing to confirm cleanness, leaving customers with total peace of mind.


Millers-Xtra’s Sampling Service will take regular oil samples, helping to keep maintenance departments informed about the condition of machinery. Sample reports can include analysis on viscosity, which can change due to contamination and oxidation; additive levels, which can become depleted over time; contamination by environmental factors such as water, dust and debris, and wear metals, which can indicate that a particular component may require replacement. Oil sample reports can help to plan maintenance around production, saving both time and money.


Filtering hydraulic oil is critical

In an industry where injection moulding equipment is highly sensitive in order to manufacture plastics with total precision, controlling the particle count in system oil is critical to prevent wear, damage and blockages that risk bringing production to a halt. With the Filtration Service, not only is the Millers-Xtra filtration rig portable, ensuring it can be pushed through tight spaces in factories to each machine, but it’s regularly calibrated for accuracy – directly emailing results to customers while machinery is still in operation. This results in clean oil and the maximum power transfer needed for precision manufacturing of sophisticated plastic components.


Finally, Clean Out and Service Fills can be performed while systems are operating. Prior to an oil change, a Millers-Xtra technician will add Milliclean 1000T to hydraulic systems before draining, flushing and refilling the system to complete the process. The benefits of the inclusion of Milliclean 1000T are numerous including the reduction of equipment downtime, and also peace of mind for health and safety officials when compared to the use of manual based solvent cleaners. 


Find out more

To find out more about Millers-Xtra services for the plastics industry, email, or for details about the Millers Oils’ range please visit or call 01484 713201.

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At a glance – Millers Oils’ Hydraulic Oil range:

  • Millmax (viscosities 32, 46, 68) – a quality, reliable hydraulic oil with good anti-wear and corrosion protection.
  • Millmax IM (viscosities 32, 46, 68) – a premium hydraulic oil for the injection moulding industry.
  • Millmax IM Zinc free (viscosity 68) – premium hydraulic oil for the injection moulding industry. Zinc-free to ensure low ash and silver/yellow metal compatibility.
  • Millmax Longlife (viscosity 46) – a premium hydraulic oil with outstanding oxidisation stability.


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Milliclean 1000T – the benefits

  • Non-manual removal of lacquer, sludge and varnish which reduces equipment downtime when compared to standard manual removal
  • Helps to eliminate valve sticking problems and pump wear due to varnish accumulation
  • Has no adverse effect on, or any long-term consequences for, hydraulic system metallurgies, finishes, elastomers, or seal materials
  • Thorough cleaning of all hydraulic pipework, couplings, hoses, tanks and pumps without the need for dismantling



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For more information, interviews or images please contact:

Kimberley Hornby, Millers Oils PR Team, Hornby Whitefoot PR

Tel: 07851 610573 Email:

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