LifestyleGarden® reveals how exotic flora and the wonders of nature inspired the stand-out designs of its Eden Project range

When leading outdoor furniture brand LifestyleGarden® announced that it was teaming-up with landmark visitor attraction the Eden Project, it was a marriage made in retail heaven. Not only do LifestyleGarden® and Eden share the same common goals of environmental responsibility and sustainability, but both are true innovators, driven by the desire to bring ambitious new concepts and products to market.


Fresh for the 2020 season, LifestyleGarden® will see its ranges supported by Eden Project branding, providing retailers with a unique point of difference that’s set to inject a wave of excitement into the outdoor living category. The partnership couldn’t have come at a better time. With the lines between indoor and outdoor living spaces becoming increasingly blurred, consumers are no longer content with style being confined to living rooms and sleeping areas. Instead, modern shoppers are searching for fashionable solutions that inject wow factor into alfresco dining and entertaining areas.








To meet this demand, LifestyleGarden® was granted access to the Eden Project’s exclusive designs and patterns, which provide a unique point of difference and present add-on sales opportunities, such as cushions and deckchairs. The exclusive flora and nature-inspired images were created by one of Eden’s in-house designers, and inspired by the biodiversity in the Project’s iconic Rainforest and Mediterranean biomes. Not only do each of these stand-out designs tell a fascinating tale, but they offer retailers the potential to boost revenue by providing eye-catching alternatives to the neutral shades that commonly adorn outdoor fabrics.


Designs inspired by nature

Here, we reveal the stories behind Eden’s artwork that take pride of place on LifestyleGarden®’s accessories, starting with the Butterfly design. Nothing says summer has finally arrived than the awe-inspiring sight of these beautiful pollinators on a wing, fluttering above billowing borders. Butterflies are often regarded as a barometer of the health of ecosystems, and butterflies’ enhanced vision helps them track down flowers that are brimming with nectar, as well as a partner! Incredibly, butterflies can even see ultraviolet colours, and unfurl their long tongues to reach deep into flowers and sip the sugary nectar.


For consumers with a penchant for exotic nature, the European bee-eater in a lemon tree is a stand-out design and a real talking point. These colourful bee-eaters breed in southern Europe and regions of western Asia and north Africa, overwintering in tropical climates of Africa, India and Sri Lanka. As well as nesting in the ground, bee-eaters perch in trees – providing inspiration for Eden’s nature-inspired design.


Similarly, the image of a colourful Broad-billed hummingbird amidst a trumpet vine taps into the trend for fabric adorned with exotic wildlife. Found between Arizona and Mexico, these brightly coloured birds – which are just three to four inches long – appear among the flowers of vines. While males defend their patch aggressively, females tend to their offspring alone, and each female must capture up to 2,000 insects a day to feed her brood of two – providing a real talking point behind this wonder of nature artwork.


Capturing the beauty of flora

There’s no mistaking the breathtakingly beautiful magnolia flowers that adorn LifestyleGarden®’s Magnolia in flower cushions – it’s a celebration of their show-stopping springtime spectacle. Through studies of fossils found around the world, magnolias are believed to have been the first flowering plants. They’re among the earliest of blooms, often bursting into flower in March, or as early as February in Cornwall, home to the Eden Project. The Cacao in flower design is another stand-out illustration that captures the beauty of this iconic evergreen tree. Set to appeal to chocolate-lovers (most of the world’s cacao for chocolate is produced from trees growing in west Africa), designs reveal how flowers appear on both the trunk and branches, while the trees are best known for their yellow and red-dusted, egg-shaped pods.


Celebrating the turning seasons

The beginning of autumn is always an exciting time in the world of fashion, and now autumnal designs adorn cushions and deckchairs, too. The season of mists and mellow fruitfulness, a time to pack garden furniture away before winter.  LifestyleGarden®’s Falling Leaves design reminds us that trees shed their leaves to preserve moisture as they enter dormancy, requiring less energy to remain alive during the cold months. This classic autumnal image offers potential help retailers rack-up additional late-season sales.


Find out more

For more details about LifestyleGarden®’s exciting new Eden Project branded ranges, and the company’s market-leading portfolio of sustainable outdoor furniture, visit




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For more information, interviews or images please contact:

Kimberley Hornby, LifestyleGarden PR Team, Hornby Whitefoot PR

Tel: 07851 610573 Email:




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