Johnson’s Lawn Seed calls for greener future as artificial grass faces backlash

As spring begins, sustainability is expected to remain a key factor shaping the purchasing decisions of gardeners. The UK’s oldest and most trusted lawn brand, Johnsons Lawn Seed predicts the ongoing decline of artificial lawns and people turning to a greener future as their New Year resolution.

Research has shown that artificial grass installation has seen a notable decline in recent years, attributed to a range of factors that have shaped consumer preferences and market dynamics. Johnsons Lawn Seed’s Consumer Manager, Guy Jenkins explains more:

Changes in environmental awareness

As the world becomes more environmentally conscious, there has been a growing concern about the use of artificial grass. The production and disposal of synthetic turf have raised environmental concerns due to the use of non-biodegradable materials and the negative impact on our soil and water systems. Lawns can support a diverse ecosystem, including insects, birds, small mammals, and microorganisms, providing them with a source of food and a place to shelter.

As a result, the demand for a natural lawn has increased. Having real grass is an attractive option due to its ability to absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen, creating a positive impact on the environment. In addition, it can help reduce water runoff and erosion, which is beneficial for the environment.

A shift in outdoor aesthetics

The UK’s artificial grass industry has seen a significant decline in recent years, due to shifting consumer preferences and evolving design trends. Today’s homeowners are prioritising the natural look and feel of real grass, which allows for a more relaxing and natural outdoor experience. There is nothing quite like the sensation of relaxing on a cool real lawn on a sweltering day or engaging in active play with children and pets in the garden.

Real grass is also functional and more resilient to foot traffic and wear and tear. A well-shaped and maintained lawn area can serve as the perfect complement to flower beds and garden features, elevating the overall appeal of any outdoor space. Real grass is an essential element of any thriving garden ecosystem for wildlife too.

Economic costs

For many homeowners, artificial grass can be an attractive option for its supposed benefits such as minimal maintenance and greenery all year round.  However, the initial cost may vary depending on factors such as the size of the lawn, the type of artificial grass installed, and the complexity of the installation process. While artificial grass is perceived to require less maintenance overall, it will still need cleaning, hosing down, brushing and raking and even stain removal so the reality is far worse than many homeowners may think.  It also may need to be replaced over time, which can add to the overall cost, making it an expensive purchase, especially in the cost-of-living crisis.

Natural grass offers a budget-friendly choice, especially with the availability of cost-effective lawn care solutions and sustainable pros, far outweighing the cons. With the right lawn care solutions, the cost can be minimised. For example, using drought-resistant grass varieties and choosing the right lawn seed for your garden setting, can help to reduce long-term costs.

Advancements in Johnsons’ portfolio

Johnsons is a company that has been helping homeowners and gardeners cultivate beautiful garden lawns for over two centuries. Johnson’s research team meticulously choose grass varieties based on specific locations and usage needs to ensure customers receive the best seed there is. Whether it be fast root growth, deep roots, and high root mass are considered, enhancing grass robustness and drought tolerance, Johnsons has a rich history as a reputable and quality-focused company in the industry.

Quick Lawn with Accelerator-treated seed: Achieve rapid germination and swift establishment with this seed, requiring only one-third of the typical water amount for new lawns, ensuring efficient and speedy lawn growth.

Tuffgrass with Dog Patch Resistance: A unique blend of fine-leaved dwarf perennial ryegrass that remains green even after exposure to dog urine, making it a preferred choice for families, garden enthusiasts, and pet owners. It also withstands high footfall, excels in low temperatures and snow and has improved drought resistance.

Luxury Lawn: A classic mix crafted for close mowing, providing a lush, high-class appearance with outstanding drought resistance.

After Moss: Coated in a special calcium carbonate-based shell, this seed gently elevates soil pH levels, preventing moss return after application.

Lawn Thickener Lawn Seed with SeedBooster: Energises tired lawns, addresses patches, and is ideal for new lawns with innovative seed technology. Experience a 30% increase in

grass density for a lush and vibrant lawn.

Shady Place: Ideal for semi and shaded areas, this seed thrives in both damp and dry shade, ensuring a vibrant lawn in challenging environments.

For the perfect lawn, Johnsons are trusted and renowned experts who can provide valuable insights into which lawn seed you will need based on your garden’s conditions. Johnsons Lawn Seed has enhanced customer support and education for gardeners with scannable QR codes on the front and back of its seed boxes. At the touch of a button, you can find out ‘How to Choose Your Lawn Seed’ and guidance on selecting the best seed, while the ‘Hints and Tips’ section offers advice on ground preparation and optimal seeding. The packaging is further improved with simplified instructions, colour-coded varieties, and a lawn sowing calendar for convenient access to essential information at the point of sale.

Visit to find out more and how to go green this spring.


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