Jody Lidgard opens Greenfingers Garden in Grimsby Hospice

Award winning garden designer, landscaper and Greenfingers Charity Ambassador Jody Lidgard officially opened the new pirate themed garden at Andy’s at St Andrew’s Hospice in Grimsby on Tuesday 17th April.  The opening was attended by hospice staff, children and families and many friends of Greenfingers Charity who generously supported the creation of this new enchanting garden.

Originally from Grimsby and passionate about making a difference to the lives of young people, Jody was keen to work with Greenfingers Charity to design and create a garden which would provide life-limited children with a feast of new sensory experiences.

Speaking about his design, Jody said “I feel extremely privileged to have been able to bring this gift of a garden to children from the area where I grew up. I really hope that children in wheelchairs will have fun splashing through the water fountains, hearing raindrops on the galleon’s tin roof and enjoy the protective feeling of being surrounded by tall grasses. But most of all I hope this garden will be a special place where children, their families and carers smile and enjoy precious time together.

Michelle Rollinson, Chief Executive of Andy’s at St Andrew’s Hospice said “We are delighted with how our new pirate-themed garden looks. Jody and his team, as well as the team at Greenfingers have done a fantastic job of transforming the area. The new garden will give patients and their families a space to relax at a time in their lives when it matters the most.”

John Ashley, Greenfingers Charity Chairman said: “Having seen this garden before work started, I am thrilled to see this wonderful transformation which I’m sure children and families will very much enjoy.

“On behalf of everyone at Greenfingers Charity, I must thank our many friends who have made the building of this garden possible through their continued generosity.  In particular, I would like to say a huge thank you to Jody and his team, the team from Kew Green Hotels who have been tirelessly fundraising as well as volunteering in the garden. To the teams at British Garden Centres who donated plants and funds raised through carrier bag sales and to Smart Garden Products who kindly donated solar lighting.”


“Thanks must also go to the many supporters who raise money on Garden Re-Leaf Day, to Great British Cards who raise huge sums and to the Associations, grant making trusts and individuals who so generously support our work.  It is only with their help that we are able to continue creating magical and inspiring gardens such as these.”



Greenfingers Charity is a national charity dedicated to supporting life limited children and their families who spend time in hospices around the UK. The charity is dedicated to creating beautiful, well-designed outdoor spaces for children to enjoy with family, friends and siblings, whether through play and fun, or therapeutic rest and relaxation.  To date Greenfingers has created over 50 inspiring gardens in children’s hospices around the country, and has a further waiting list of hospices that need help.


MORE INFORMATION ABOUT GREENFINGERS CHARITY please contact Linda Petrons – – Tel 07908 221240 or Cassie King –  –  Tel 07875 337290



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