Interview with RocketGro ambassador – Kirsty Ward aka My Little Allotment

Since early 2022 Kirsty Ward, also known as ‘My Little Allotment’ on social media, has been working alongside the RocketGro team to tell even more people about the brand’s incredible range of organic, peat-free, low-carbon and sustainable growing media. Here Kirsty tells us more about why working with RocketGro and being a “RocketGrower” is the perfect partnership.


A long-term fan

“Before the RocketGro team reached out I had actually been using their products for some time on my allotment and was already impressed by the results. So, when they reached out, I was very excited to get involved. Being able to promote a product range that I truly believe in provides a much more authentic experience for my followers, whilst also providing the brand with some ‘real life’ experiences to support their user benefit messaging. It’s a win win!”


Beautiful design, beautiful results

“For me, RocketGro is the complete package. From the beautifully designed packaging that looks and feels premium, to the product in the bag that actually works whilst promoting important ‘green values’, it’s hard not to fall in love with it.


“For me RocketGro feels like a truly unique brand. On the shelf it stands out amongst the swathes of bright green and predictable imagery. The packaging also makes it easy to identify the product needed for each job. The eco-credentials are also clearly displayed so with just a glance you know what you are buying and that makes a huge difference when shopping for growing media.


“The proof is in the pudding as they say and there is no question that RocketGro delivers significant results. My entire brand is built upon my adventures on my allotment in Lincolnshire, and anyone who follows me will know that this space is incredibly important to me. This allotment has pulled me from the brink more than once, so it’s only fair I repay it by only using the best I can get my hands on. My followers also look to my blog to gain inspiration for their own garden spaces, often taking recommendations from my content, it’s therefore vital that I am putting forwards products that I know will meet their expectations. From day one, RocketGro products have gone above and beyond, helping me to increase crop yield, improve soil condition and overall plant health. Being able to do this whilst being entirely peat-free, low-carbon and organic, as well as supporting UK-manufacturing and production, is the perfect combination.”


People that care

“I love a brand story and RocketGro has this in spades! The whole tale, from the farm in Somerset to the digestate ‘Rocket Fuel’ and the retail offering is demonstrative of people that care about what they are doing. It’s inspiring to be working alongside a company that is hugely passionate about developing new peat-free innovation and one that is driven to educate consumers on how peat-free products are both good for the planet and capable of delivering phenomenal results. Peat-free doesn’t have to mean a reliance on additional feeds and more work and the RocketGro portfolio is the perfect example of this.”


Kirsty finished by saying: “Anyone interested in learning more about RocketGro should absolutely visit their website. Not only can they see more about my own journey with the brand, but it is also a rich resource of information. Whether you want to learn more about the products and how to use them for optimum results or educate yourself more on the reasons why going peat-free is a planet saving imperative, it’s all there in one handy place.”


Find out more

If you want to learn more about RocketGro or are keen to discuss adding its product portfolio into your 2023 offering, please contact Toby Thomas via or by calling 07936 928981. Discover more about the RocketGro story at




Words: 634


For more information, interviews or images please contact:

Kimberley Hornby         Tel: 07851610573         Email:


Notes to editors:

RocketGro was founded in early 2021, born out of a meeting of minds of two friends, Tim and Toby. Tim’s family have been successfully farming on their 5000-acre farm in the heart of Somerset for over 100 years. The farm produces an amazingly rich soil nourishing organic by-product from their biogas plant. The biogas powers thousands of homes, and until RocketGro was born, this by-product was only spread over the farmland meaning the farm could avoid using chemical fertilisers.


Tim wanted to share this wonder product with gardeners all over the UK and he approached Toby to help him make this dream come true. RocketGro was born.


The RocketGro mission is to help gardeners move away from peat and therefore do our bit to help the environment. Our fabulous range of products are a near total solution to any gardeners needs and the range is growing out even further. RocketGro put a great deal of care and effort into producing our premium growing media products and aim to produce the finest compost products in a sustainable and nature loving eco-friendly way. Gardeners who become ‘RocketGrowers’ will see the difference.






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