HWPR Blog – week ending 15/12/17

Last week saw HWPR’s offices turned into a Winter Wonderland with snow falling across the country. Unfortunately, there is no such thing as a Snow Day when you are networked team and work from home, so we continued to strive on and do some great work for our clients!

The coverage for Hillview Garden Stores continued with Burford House’s Mistletoe Auctions appearing in the Daily Star and BBC Newsround.  The stores’ Christmas Grottos were also featured in local papers around the country so Santa will be a busy bee!

We also gained some fantastic product coverage for Briers and Deco-Pak within The Sun newspaper.  Briers’ Sandley Wellington Boots and Deco-Pak’s Tardis Bird Feeder both featured in The Sun’s Christmas Gift List for Gardeners. The Tardis Bird Feeder tied in nicely with the Doctor Who Christmas Special, also featured in the magazine!  The Gardening pages by Peter Seabrook also featured a Briers competition to win a pair of their Herringbone gloves and tool sets. It was certainly a week for national coverage – always pleasing!

The team has also been busy compiling end of year PR reports for all clients summarising the great publicity we have generated for them and the reach of the coverage they have received – which this year has surpassed expectations. It’s a big job but being able to review all the jobs and coverage we have achieved is always a great experience. So often we forget how much coverage we do get, so it’s a nice reminder and keeps us motivated to do even better for our clients next year!

Excitingly, HWPR’s digital journey began this week as we launched our new YouTube channel!  Through this we will be giving you tips on vlogging, social media from a PR’s perspective with a focus on independent businesses.  Our first video is now live and talks about “First Impressions” and stars our very own Robbie!  Head over to our YouTube channel to check it out, give us a like or leave us a comment on what other topics you’d like us to cover!

Last week was also the HWPR Christmas Party and the team hit the bright lights of Northampton!  We can’t tell you too much – after all, what happens on the staff Christmas party, stays at the staff Christmas party – but we did sample some delicious British Tapas at a fab little restaurant called Bread and Pullet, played a bit of darts, tested our general knowledge in a pub quiz and a good time was had by all!

We would like to thank our clients and you reading this, for all your support in 2017.  We cannot wait for 2018, we have lots of plans that we can’t wait to share with you and we look forward to creating many more exciting campaigns in the new year!

Happy Christmas Everyone!


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