Help at hand from Medical Accident Group for birth injury victims

Inez BrownClinical negligence and personal injury specialists, Medical Accident Group (MAG) can now do even more to help children who have suffered serious injuries after it won the right to offer legal aid to those seeking justice.

The Legal Aid Agency has awarded the firm the franchise to provide legal aid services in this complex area of law; the award follows detailed and expert scrutiny of the firm’s experience, expertise and efficiency, so that clients can be sure of the highest professional standards of care and legal advice.

Inez Brown, Partner, recently named as one of the country’s top lawyers in the field of clinical negligence by the legal directory The Legal 500, said: “We are delighted to be able to offer this support to those who are already dealing with such tragic and difficult circumstances. Birth injuries not only have a major impact on the child, but also on their family, as they adjust to a very different future than they had dreamed of before their child was born.

“Although we already offer qualifying clients the option of bringing a case with MAG under our ‘No Win, No Fee’ scheme, fees need to be paid when they win their case and receive an award. But with legal aid, no disbursements or fees are payable, meaning that the whole of the award goes directly to the claimant, and most importantly, they do not need to worry about how their case will be funded.”

Medical Accident Group’s experience is founded on 200 years of legal experience with its parent firm of solicitors, Harrison Clark Rickerbys; with total focus on clinical negligence and catastrophic injuries, it can offer unrivalled specialist expertise in this area.

The legal aid franchise system means that clients know that they will receive a certain standard of service from the lawyers in the firm with the franchise – they will know who is dealing with their case, how it is progressing, their phone call, emails and letters will be answered promptly, they will be kept informed of their legal costs as the case proceeds and they may also be able to have their application for legal aid approved more quickly.

The Legal Aid Agency will only allow firms to work on birth injury cases under legal aid if at least one of the firm’s lawyers is an accredited member of the Law Society’s clinical negligence panel, the Association of Personal Injury Lawyers panel and/or the patient charity, Action against Medical Accidents (AvMA). Only lawyers displaying a proven expertise in the field are accepted on these panels.

The franchise starts in November; to find out whether your case can be funded by legal aid, please contact our team on 0800 050 1668 at any time and we will help you to find the answers you deserve

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