Harrison Clark Rickerbys offers Will writing service to Jelf staff

Harrison Clark RickerbysAll staff at Jelf Group, including Jelf Employee Benefits, are being offered a Will-writing service as part of their employee benefits package.  The service is being provided by Harrison Clark Rickerbys, one of the UK’s leading law firms.

52% of people in the UK currently don’t have a Will1 and £8mn in money and property went to the Government in 2013 from people that died intestate2.   As so many people put off writing a Will, Jelf wants to help staff safeguard their, and their families’, futures.

An extensive communication programme is currently underway to promote the new service to staff which includes benefit days, education workshops, presentations, q&a sessions, with further information posted on the company’s intranet.  Jelf’s and Harrison Clark Rickerbys’ experts have been on hand to answer specific questions.

Jo Thresher, head of money at work at Jelf Employee Benefits said: “In our experience HR professionals who have had an employee die in service know how hard it can be, and when there is no Will it can make a terrible situation even worse.  Getting a Will in place is one of the most important elements of protection planning, and as such it supports our Money at Work education service. The last thing we want is for people to leave it until it’s too late.”

Dawn Oliver, partner, head of private clients at Harrison Clark Rickerbys said: “There is a lot of confusion around writing Wills, for instance, many people wrongly believe that if they’re in a civil partnership (or a marriage) their estate will automatically be passed onto their partner, which might not be the case.  We’re here to help staff at Jelf understand their legal position and be confident that their wishes will be honoured, their money is given to whom they want and the decision is not left to anyone else.”

 To find out more please contact:

Clare Farquhar            T: 01531 640256         clare@whitefootpr.co.uk

Claire Brown              T: 07787 505963         claire@whitefootpr.co.uk

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