Harrison Clark Rickerbys’ Charitable trust: supporting the local community

Croquet trophy winners at Broadwas, 6th August, 2015

Harrison Clark Rickerbys, the three counties based law firm which is ranked in the UK’s top 100, isn’t just about providing legal services for the local community. Supporting those in need is also a priority on its agenda.

In 2007 the business set up the Harrison Clark Rickerbys’ Charitable Trust. The business, from partners right through to trainees and support staff, commits time and energy every year to develop innovative fund raising events. Over the years local good causes, including New Hope Charity and St Richard’s Hospice, have benefited to the tune of £186,000 from donations made by the Charitable Trust.

Recent donations highlight how being a Charitable Trust means that their efforts can provide support across the spectrum of worthy causes. So far this year the Trust has helped the Young Musician of the Year Competition, part of the Evesham Music Festival, Broadwas Croquet Club, and Fort Royal Community Primary School.

Stuart Smith, Chairman of the Broadwas Croquet Club, said “The club means a great deal to a lot of people in the area. Croquet is a game for all ages and provides gentle physical exercise coupled with skills and strategy. The Club competes successfully in regional and national competitions. The donation from Harrison Clark Rickerbys’ Charitable Trust provided us with smart new shirts and a new way of introducing people to a traditional sport that generally receives little media coverage.”

Mathew Waddington, partner at Harrison Clark Rickerbys and Secretary of the Charitable Trust, is a true advocate of businesses supporting their local communities. “Personal feelings aside, the business community has a responsibility to provide help and support where it can. We have access to those who will be able to help financially but may not know where or how to do that. As a Charitable Trust we can raise and then distribute that financial support where it is needed most. The good causes we have been able to support over the years provide invaluable help and care. I am honoured to be in a position to be able to help to keep that financial support flowing”.

To support the Harrison Clark Rickerbys Charitable Trust, or to enquire about a donation, contact: Mathew Waddington at mwaddington@hcrlaw.com.



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To find out more please contact:

Claire Brown              T: 07787 505963                                 claire@hornbywhitefootpr.co.uk

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