GIMA Day Conference – The Fight Back Against Substitute Sellers

gima 22The online marketplace has become a battlefield as legitimate companies are forced to slash their prices, and even sell at a loss, to try and keep up with sellers seeking to piggyback on the success of established brands.

Many British internet businesses have already become casualties in what commentators have described as the “Battle for the Buy Button”, in reference to the feature on ‘market place’ selling platforms enabling customers to purchase a product in a matter of clicks. However, Bonnington Plastics, the company behind the Kingfisher brand is leading the fight back against so called “substitute sellers” and the early signs suggest that the tide is turning in their favour.

After winning several legal cases recently and securing over £100,000 in compensation, Bonnington are keen to share their experience and spread the word about how they’re winning the battle against the substitute sellers. Their legal team will provide you with practical tools to help you protect your brand in a straight-forward and cost-effective manner.

With this growing phenomenon reaching all market sectors, can you afford not to be there?

Book your place now at the GIMA Day Conference, Wednesday 4th November, Melbicks – A Wyevale Garden Centre, Chester Road, Coleshill, BIRMINGHAM, B46 3HY or email

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