Get to know DJ Turfcare’s bestsellers

In addition to its new RHS endorsed range – featuring Viano Recovery, MO Bacter and Bio-Lime – DJ Turfcare’s 2018 product portfolio offers everything needed to create beautiful lawns, roses and vegetables in the year ahead.

Universal Lawnfeed – comfort food for your lawn

A 100-day feed, the Universal Lawnfeed is ideal for creating healthy lawns. Organically based, the combined quick and slow release elements keep lawns fed throughout the growing season, with visible results within three days. Universal Lawnfeed can also be used as a soil improver, making it more than just a one trick pony!


Ingredients include nitrogen, phosphate and potash + magnesium of 7-5-8 + 3. The magnesium will harden off lawns, providing that rich green colour that is synonymous with luscious lawns.

Created in pellet form, the easy-to-apply feed can be applied with a spreader or by hand (wear gloves!). Contact with neighbouring flowerbeds is non-harmful, instead the plants will also benefit from a boost! Universal Lawnfeed is safe for use around children and pets (though should not be digested). Lawn clippings can also be safely added to the compost heap.

Available in 20kg bags – suitable for treating up to 400m2 – RRP £33.99

Best Bloom Rose Food – be the envy of your neighbours

The crowning glory of any flower bed, roses may be naturally beautiful but that doesn’t mean they don’t appreciate a little bit of help along the way. The Best Bloom Rose Food is specially formulated to create the most abundant and eye-catching blooms, with bright colours naturally enhanced. Utilising specially selected and balanced organic nutrients, roses are fed for 100 days with a single application.

Available in 10 kgs bags, RRP £24.99

Organic Plantfood

We all know the benefits of eating organic, and plants are no different. Already well-established across the Channel for more than 10 years, Viano Organic Plantfood has now arrived in the UK through sole distributor DJ Turfcare.

This fertiliser has been specially developed to promote healthier and better-tasting fruit and vegetables. As a long-lasting fertiliser – three to four months – Viano Organic Plantfood produces a wide range of essential elements, with the added bonus of enhancing soil life, improving soil structure and increasing nutrient concentration in the soil.

The easy-to-spread fertiliser crumbs can be incorporated prior to planting or sowing – or used to give fruit and vegetables a boost just when they need the extra nutrition. Harmless to pets, wildlife and children, this fertiliser is used at 100 grams per square metre before planting or sowing, and 50 grams during the maintenance period – with applications necessary only every eight to 10 weeks.
It has the added environmental pedigree of being manufactured entirely using solar energy.

Available in 10 kgs bags, RRP £24.99

Find out more

To find out more about DJ Turfcare’s full product offering please visit or call 01483 200976.

For more information, interviews or images please contact:

Kimberley Hornby, DJ Turfcare PR Team, Hornby Whitefoot PR

Tel: 01604 373700              Email:

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