Garden Re-Leaf walk report

grld 2016 sponsored walk - gtn 18On Friday 18th March, Greenfingers Garden Re-Leaf Day, Managing Director Kimberley and Account Manager Robbie joined over 30 others from the garden industry in walking 18 miles through the Berkshire countryside.  Starting and ending in Theale, home of hosts HTA, walkers tested their endurance by making their way through woodland, farmland and along the Kennet and Avon canal – all raising much needed funds for Greenfingers’ children’s hospice gardens.

To raise awareness for the event and to generate the maximum amount of money possible, we were determined to add a little extra to the proceedings.  Drawing on Kimberley’s degree in Medieval English (little known fact!), we discovered that ‘theale’ was the Saxon word for ‘plank’ – which lead to Robbie coming up with an idea that would capture the imagination of even the most cynical potential donators.

Robbie used his artistic skills (he is also a professional illustrator) to paint a hand painted plank bearing the words ‘Garden Re-Leaf’ and ‘For Greenfingers’ – carrying it throughout London, Reading and then on to Theale for the entirety of the 18 mile walk, whilst posting updates to Facebook and Twitter followers.  Then, while everyone relaxed in a nearby pub after their hard efforts, Robbie made his way back down to the water, accompanied by Kimberley and the team of walkers from clients Glee.  Glee Director, i2i’s Matthew Mein, held the plank steady while Robbie stripped to his smalls and jumped in!  The water was freezing – around 3˚C – so as soon as Robbie jumped in, he swam – not for enjoyment – but to make it to the ladder to climb out of the deep lock he had plunged into.  Once out and back in the warm, a video was posted online and more funds began to flood in.

So far, Kimberley and Robbie have raised £660 between them – smashing their target by 264% – all thanks to the generosity of supporters, and Robbie’s extra fundraising activity.

If you’ve donated already – thank you so much, you are making a huge difference to Greenfingers’ ‘A Million Moments’ campaign to build gardens for children’s hospices that desperately need them.  If you haven’t donated and are inspired to do so, we are still gratefully accepting donations via our justgiving page:  Alternatively text GRLW55 and a nominal amount in pounds sterling to 70070.  Many thanks!

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