Garden Re-Leaf Day walkers boosted by sponsors

On Garden Re-Leaf Day – Friday 17th March 2017 – the third annual Garden Re-Leaf walk will take place in Cambridge.   A record breaking 85 walkers have signed up to take part, looking to rake in over £12,000 for Greenfingers and spread awareness for the industry’s main fundraising day.

If you would like to register to take part in the walk or provide additional sponsorship contact Linda in the Fundraising Team by email – or call the Greenfingers office on 01494 674749.  Alternatively, fill in the simple form available on line at and sign up today!


Walkers this year will choose from two routes – 10 or 20 miles – taking in the sights of Jesus college and Cambridge University botanical gardens, with a special detour for those with dogs.  Both routes start at Scotsdales Horningsea at 10am, and finish at Scotsdales Great Shelford.



The main sponsors of the walk are Scotsdales, who as well as hosting the start and finish of the fundraiser, will also enter a team of walkers and stage some fundraising of their own at the finish line.  Top Milton Keynes club rower Heidi Towse will be running 10 miles and then rowing a further 10 in front of customers with the aid of a static rowing machine in the Great Shelford store.

Solex organisers LOFA (the Leisure and Outdoor Furniture Association), will be taking part in the walk and providing a special barbecue at the finish line to inspire hungry walkers!

Kelkay and Garden Trade News are sponsoring the T-shirts being worn by participants, which will feature logos from the other 2017 sponsors.

Briers will be issuing a free pair of Greenfingers gloves to every participant, to help aid awareness for the day as everyone takes to Twitter and Instagram with their #Gluvies photos.

Cadix are sponsoring one of the support vehicles that will weave between various points of the route, helping where needed.

SBM Life Sciences are helping to plan the route, are providing water stations and sponsoring the medals – a first for any Garden Re-Leaf Day event.

Hozelock are sponsoring goodie bags.

Quinton Edwards – the garden industry property specialists are supplying a driver and car to support the Greenfingers team.

Greenfingers Head of Fundraising, Linda Petrons, said: “The Garden Re-Leaf walk, especially with the two separate routes we’re running this year, can cost a lot of time and money in terms of organising and logistics. Getting T-shirts made, refreshments and support vehicles for example all cost money – so we are of course humbled by the generosity from all of our supporters this year.”

The walkers

Jackie Eades Briers
Charlotte Prentice Briers
Matt Jackson* Briers
Mandy James Briers
Sharmini Martin Briers
Tristan Sissons Briers
Lolly Lee The Orangery
Kate Ebbens Cadix
Heather Black Cadix
Danni Faulkner Cadix
Peter Guinness Cadix
Alison Hawker Cadix
Rebecca Hawker Cadix
Robert Montano Cadix
Caroline Smith Cadix
Doug Hill Cadix
Jason Perrins Gardman
Gemma King Gardman
Vicky Nuttall GIMA
Craig Hall* Deco-Pak
Richard Pyrah Kelkay
Al Shepherd Kelkay
John Ducker Kelkay
Simon McArdle Westlands
Tom Clamp Westlands (+18 walkers TBC)
Natalie Searle Crest Garden
Kim Huynh Crest Garden
Darren Brown SBM Life-Sciences
Lisa Barrow SBM Life-Sciences
Peter Clowes SBM Life-Sciences
Ashley Clowes SBM Life-Sciences
Mandy Castle SBM Life-Sciences
Ian Rowland SBM Life-Sciences
Emma Knight SBM Life-Sciences
Neil Holloway SBM Life-Sciences
Lowri Walker, Nia, Mark Allen, Adam Parke, Ilona, Hayley Fordham, Donna Gallo, Karen Tate, Andy Redfield SBM Life-Sciences Relay Team
Tim Jeffries Mr Fothergill’s
David Carey Mr Fothergill’s
Ian Cross Mr Fothergill’s
Alison Roberts Mr Fothergill’s
Alison Mulvaney Mr Fothergill’s
Richard Keegan Mr Fothergill’s
Samantha Broadway Mr Fothergill’s
Ralph Fitter Vitax
Simon Quinton Smith Quinton Edwards
Trevor & Karen Pfeiffer GTN
Kimberley Hornby Hornby Whitefoot
Heidi Towse Frosts Garden Centre
David Nicholson Elho
Craig Keyworth Elho
Adam Last Elho
Louise Haskins Elho
Bobby Fisher Elho
Chris Houfe Great British Cards
Matthew Mein Ascential (Glee)
Fernanda Pinto Ascential (Glee)
Luke Murphy Ascential (Glee)
Hinesh Taylor Ascential (Glee)
Boyd Douglas Davies Greenfingers Trustee
Team from Hillview
Team from Kew Green Hotels
Nicholas Clarkson Scotsdales
Jennifer Ferro Scotsdales
Shelagh Ward Scotsdales
Peter Jackson Scotsdales
Jane Lawler Jane Lawler Assocs
Paul Steane Scomac
Nick Carey Abacus Cards


*Craig and Matt are aiming to raise £250 by running the whole length of the route – more info here:

Linda Petrons, Head of Fundraising at Greenfingers Charity added: “The walk is open to absolutely anyone working in or alongside the garden industry as the list demonstrates.  It’s a great opportunity to raise funds, excellent for team building and a good way to spend time with colleagues and acquaintances away from the office.”

All of the money raised from the walk and many other Garden Re-Leaf Day events this year will once again go towards Greenfingers’ ‘A Million Moments Appeal’.  Greenfingers aims to raise £1 million under the banner of the A Million Moments appeal over three years to enable at least 5,000 children who spend time in hospices, and their families, to enjoy spending precious time together outdoors.


For more information, interviews or images related to Greenfingers Garden Re-Leaf Day please contact:

Robbie Cumming, Hornby Whitefoot PR

Telephone: 07765 251173 | Email:

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