Focus on Greenfingers fundraisers: Kate Ebbens

The Greenfingers Charity relies on its incredible supporters to raise funds every year, enabling the charity to continue to build therapeutic gardens at children’s hospices across the country. One such fundraisers is Kate Ebbens from Capi Europe who has undertaken a number of challenges in recent years to support Greenfingers. Here Kate tells us more about why she keeps pushing herself in the name of charity.


From the sky to the roads

“My journey with Greenfingers has been ongoing for many years but in recent years – as I approached my 50th birthday – I decided to up my game and tackle some exciting new challenges.”


And up her game she did, with Kate not only taking on three Garden Re-Leaf Sponsored Walks, running her first half marathon but she also faced her fears and threw herself out of an airplane to complete a tandem skydive, raising almost £1,000 in the process.


This year, Kate has a number of challenges in her diary despite suffering from long-Covid. Just last year Kate completed the Garden Re-Leaf Sponsored Walk 10-mile route – only she ran it! Joined by her daughter, Kate – who was unable to join the main walk – took just two hours to run a 10-mile route through the Essex countryside.


However, the Garden Re-Leaf Run was just a warm-up as Kate will be one of 11 Greenfingers supporters who will be running the London Landmarks Half Marathon on April 3rd.


No coffee for Kate

Once a hardcore coffee lover, Kate gave up her ‘addiction’ in 2021, donating £1 every day for the 365 days she went without coffee. She explains more: “I love the physical challenges I have undertaken for Greenfingers but in 2021, a year when all our fundraising activities had to be socially distanced or virtual, I wanted to try something a little different. Coffee was a key fixture in my day so giving it up was never going to be easy but knowing every day I was raising money for Greenfingers helped to keep me motivated when even the biggest caffeine cravings were kicking in!


“I also wanted to show people that fundraising isn’t always about the big moments. Sometimes the little things can add up to a lot, so perhaps others might be inspired to take on their own challenge for Greenfingers.”




Fundraising total

Over the last seven years Kate has raised more than £7,000; money that will go a long way in helping Greenfingers to create even more inspiring spaces at children’s hospices across the country.


Kate’s inspiration

Whilst the Greenfingers charity has been adopted by the garden retail sector, a sector which Kate is a major player within with the Capi Europe brand, Kate’s reasons for supporting Greenfingers are also much more personal.


Back in 2008, Kate’s son spent a month in Addenbrooke’s intensive care unit. During this terrifying time, Kate often found herself looking for solace in the hospital’s garden but found the space extremely lacking. Wanting others to enjoy the benefits that a garden space can offer Kate kindly donated to Addenbrookes, helping them to upgrade their garden – the first of three to adorn the hospital. This experience, forever ingrained in her memory, meant that the work Greenfingers undertakes resonated with Kate on a very personal level.


Kate added: “I was lucky as I got to bring my son home, but many don’t. So whether it’s wanting a quiet place of reflection, a space to get away from it all for just a moment, or even a place to build new memories with loved ones, to feel the sun on your face and the wind in your hair, the gardens that Greenfingers build are more important than many could ever realise. Knowing this is why I keep fundraising and will continue to do so long into the future.”


Find out more

You can sponsor Kate’s latest fundraising endeavour by visiting


You can also join in the conversation by joining Greenfingers on social media –, @GreenfingersCha on Twitter, and @Greenfingerscharity on Instagram and LinkedIn.




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About Greenfingers Charity

Greenfingers is a national charity dedicated to supporting life-limited children and their families who spend time in hospices around the UK.  The charity is committed to creating, beautiful, well-designed outdoor spaces for children to enjoy with family, friends and siblings, whether through play and fun, or therapeutic rest and relaxation.  To date Greenfingers Charity has created over 60 inspiring gardens in children’s hospices around the country and has a further waiting list of hospices that need help.

MORE INFORMATION ABOUT GREENFINGERS CHARITY from Linda Petrons – – Tel 07908 221240 or Kimberley Hornby – – Tel 07851 610573







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