Exhaust fitting paste: dos and don’ts

mechanic-applying-exhaust-pasteExhaust paste – or exhaust cement – is specially developed to give gas-tight seals in joints when fitting replacement exhaust system parts. Leading global supplier Bosal Automotive & Industrial Components offers mechanics some quick tips to help achieve a perfect seal.

Quick tip #1:

Fitting paste inside the silencer is very common in warranty returned parts. This can be caused by using too much paste (remember more is not necessarily always better!) or not using the recommended fitting kit.

Quick tip #2:

Flange, olive and flare type joints should not require fitting paste. When joining slip type joints a conservative amount of paste should be used on the male end only so that when the parts are joined the excess paste is pushed out of the system, not in.

Quick tip #3:

Fitting paste is known to have been used to block and seal the drain hole found on Bosal silencer products. There is now a small drain hole on the inlet end cap of most silencers. Blocking this drain hole will shorten the service life of the part and invalidate your warranty.

Quick tip #4:

Fitting paste must not be used on catalytic converters or any part fitted in front of a catalytic

converter; this includes down pipes that are fitted separate to the catalytic converter. Any fitting paste that gets into a catalytic converter will contaminate (poison) the monolith and cause it to heat

up so severely to the point where meltdown may occur.

Quick tip #5:

When a new exhaust system has been fitted it is common practice to put a gloved hand over the tailpipe to force the system/part to leak. However, Bosal do not endorse or recommend this practice.

Need technical advice?

For all technical queries relating to Bosal Exhaust Systems, you can contact the Technical Help Desk on 0800 374710. For further details on Bosal Automotive & Industrial Components, please call 01772 771000 or email baic@eur.bosal.com. Alternatively, visit www.bosal.co.uk to find the latest products.

For more information, interviews or images please contact:

Claire Brown or Kimberley Hornby, Hornby Whitefoot PR

Tel: 07787 505963         E-mail:claire@hornbywhitefootpr.co.uk

Tel: 01858 681122         E-mail: kimberley@hornbywhitefootpr.co.uk

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