Driving awareness


A recent poll1 of 2,000 motorists found that 42% of motorists have no idea how to change a flat tyre, with 36% not understanding the majority of dashboard symbols and 11% not knowing how to measure oil.

According to the survey, one in 50 (2%) drivers even think leaving the lights on will prevent a vehicle frosting over, while more than a fifth (21%) believe passing an MOT means a car is safe to drive for a year.

It’s a pretty shocking level of misunderstanding, particular when it involves vehicle safety, but one that can surely be addressed by the industry to help debunk such myths. In light of these latest statistics, the onus is perhaps on garages to educate motorists more, but it also offers them an opportunity to increase awareness which in turn, can help positively influence their bottom line.

As a garage, are you doing all you can to communicate with your customers? As a distributor or factor, are you encouraging your garage customers to do this? It’s crucially important to open and maintain channels of communication between garage and customer; just by offering a source of basic know-how could make all the difference. This can be done via a monthly e-newsletter to your customer database offering incentive or reward schemes; promotions; troubleshooting tips and motoring advice – for instance, reminders to check tyre pressure or carry out simple weather checks. This not only educates drivers in order to potentially avoid any dangers or hazards on the road but also builds trust, rapport and long-term customer loyalty. Furthermore, it’s a win-win situation that could help to see these alarming statistics gradually improve.

If you want to discuss further a strategy to help you increase growth or customer retention, contact the aftermarket specialists Hornby Whitefoot PR on 01858 681122 or send an email to kimberley@hornbywhitefootpr.co.uk.

1 Source: Kwik Fit

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