Decade of fundraising by law firm tops national Will Aid total

Will Aid 2014 Victoria Burrow and Peter Kelsall (640x427)Harrison Clark Rickerbys are among nation’s best fundraisers for Will Aid

Solicitors at Harrison Clark Rickerbys’ offices in Worcester, Cheltenham, Hereford and Ross-on-Wye, were pleased to participate in Will Aid’s annual fundraising campaign for the tenth consecutive year in November 2014.

As a result of their hard work writing 160 Wills and the generosity of their Will Aid clients who made donations, the firm raised a total of £13,295 (excluding Gift Aid) to contribute to the nationwide total.

This fantastic amount brings the total raised by Harrison Clark Rickerbys over the last ten years to a staggering £85,167, which is the most any firm has ever raised for Will Aid nationwide.

“It is so important to make a will to ensure that your assets go to those you wish to have them,” explained Victoria Borrow, solicitor at Harrison Clark Rickerbys.  “Unless you make a proper Will, your assets will be distributed according to the laws of intestacy.  Not only can this mean that the people you wanted to benefit might not do so, but it can also bring your loved ones additional stress and heartache dealing with difficult circumstances at a time when they are least equipped to cope.

“Will Aid is such a great scheme since it enables people to have a professionally drafted will at a reduced cost and raises money for worthy causes at the same time. We would like to thank all of our clients for their generosity and of course our hard working team who deliver a superb result year on year. This amazing sum is making a real and lasting difference to vulnerable children, families and older people in the UK and around the world,” Victoria continued.

Will Aid is the UK’s leading charity will-writing scheme. It offers everyone the opportunity to make or update their will in return for a donation to help people in need in the UK and all over the world. Instead of charging their usual fees, participating solicitors invite clients to donate the money to Will Aid – a charity scheme designed to get more people to write their Will and to raise funds for popular charities at the same time. The suggested donation is just £95 for a single Will, £150 for a pair of mirror Wills.

The money is shared by nine well-known UK charities: ActionAid, Age UK, British Red Cross, Christian Aid, NSPCC, Save the Children, Sightsavers, SCIAF (Scotland) and Trocaire (Northern Ireland).

Pete Kelsell, Will Aid representative, commented “At Christian Aid we are tremendously grateful to Harrison Clark Rickerbys for their continuing commitment to support Will Aid. The charities all get an equal share of the donations and over the years this has significantly added to our ability to support work in some of the poorest communities across the world. In Haiti we helped families with a small number of cows each, to set up a milk cooperative. They then sell the milk on to a project which provides free milk to school children. This is just the sort of work set up by local people, supported by Christian Aid that helps people help themselves out of poverty. Will Aid contributes to our ability to continue to work in thirty five countries with hundreds of community partner groups making life saving changes for thousands of people.”



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