Cultivating community spirit


Community-based projects that breathe life back into neglected allotments for the good of the neighbourhood is nothing new, but something that should continue to be supported wherever possible. It’s great to read this recent article from the North West: There are endless benefits on all levels – it encourages green-fingered passions, provides learning opportunities for young people and strengthens the community backbone, not to mention encourages physical and mental wellbeing.

There is also a chance for gardening retailers and garden centres to become actively involved and do their bit to support local projects, all in the name of good old fashioned CSR. The chances are, you may be doing it already or at least are considering it. If not, then why not? It doesn’t have to be on a grand scale, as a little bit can go a long way. You could, for instance, sponsor a competition to see which family can grow the best cabbages; you may want to donate a few gardening tools or seeds; or you may even be keen to offer an ‘allotment club’ discount to encourage gardening fever, as well as sales and footfall.

At the same time, it’s not bad for business either, as it helps position you as a supplier of integrity and gives out a positive, inspiring message to your customers and beyond. Let’s face it, it also feels good to know you are making a difference within your local patch; we’re all human after all!

So why not give us a buzz if you’d like to get more involved with gardening projects such as this in your community; perhaps you know of a street near you that is trying to get such a project off the ground and could use some support. We have plenty of ideas we’d like to share and we can help make it happen!

Contact Hornby Whitefoot, the gardening PR specialists on 01858 681122 or send an email to

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