Cat Replacement Tips

mechanic-showing-female-trainee-exhaust-maintenance-1024x680A catalytic converter is one of the most important parts of a vehicle’s emissions control system, preventing harmful exhaust pollutants from entering the atmosphere by converting them into water vapour and less harmful gases. Bosal Automotive & Industrial Components, one of the world’s major suppliers of complete exhaust systems, offers Garage Wire readers some important replacement tips.


  • Check the cause of failure of the original catalytic converter and rectify the problem BEFORE fitting a new cat
  • Check the condition of the lambda sensor and replace if required
  • Use new fittings compatible with the replacement cat
  • Ensure a fully gas tight exhaust seal


  • Assume that a replacement cat will cure a fault, e.g. overheating is an indication of a fault before the cat
  • Use exhaust sealant anywhere on or in front of the cat. Using exhaust sealant will VOID the cat’s warranty
  • Use undue force when fitting the cat
  • Subject the cat to any impact forces, e.g. dropping

Want to find out more?

For all technical queries relating to Bosal Exhaust Systems, please contact the Technical Help Desk on 0800 374710. For further details on Bosal Automotive & Industrial Components, please call 01772 771000 or email Alternatively, visit to find the latest products.


For more information, interviews or images please contact:

Claire Brown or Kimberley Hornby, Hornby Whitefoot PR

Tel: 07787 505963

Tel: 01858 681122         E-mail:

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