Calling all Glee 2016 exhibitors!

PrintAs Glee’s dedicated PR team we are tasked with creating exciting editorial content for the show and its exhibitors. Earlier this year we got in touch with you regarding a selection of market and trend-led features we were working on, and the response was fantastic! These features have now been issued to all our UK and international media, with coverage already starting to appear generating some great pre-show publicity for all those involved.

We are now working on creating a second set of features – but we need your help to complete these!

This time round we will be focussing on the following areas:

1) Garden tools

2) Garden décor and girts

3) Garden clothing & accessories

If you offer any of these products we would love to hear from you! From new product information, to market growth predictions, consumer spending habits and insight into future trends – we’d love to hear your thoughts!

As always this is a FREE OF CHARGE opportunity, available to all Glee 2016 exhibitors.

To get involved you simply have to get in touch:
(01858) 681122

Deadline for contributions is: Friday 17th June 2016
We look forward to hearing from you shortly!

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