‘Appier pets, with the PAWBO Life App

The PAWBO Life App enables owners to harness the benefits and features that Pawbo+  brings and experience the joy in connecting with their pets – even from a distance.

This clever app is designed to enable owners to accompany their pets, video talk to them, feed them snacks and play light chasing games with them, simply just by tapping the app on their smartphone anywhere, anytime.

Once downloaded, it enables owners to remotely control  products to teach as well as entertain their pets and connect their own unique PAWBO Theme Park.

The superb video recording capability enables recorded footage to be directly viewed and stored on tablets and devices so that precious memories are stored up and kept on file forever. Plus, a simple one-touch to engage the built-in interactive light chasing game, multiple sound effect and treat dispenser allows play and interaction with pets.

Owners can snap photos and share their pets’ adorable images on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram for instant social sharing. Friends and family will never even tell that they’re away from them!

The easy to set up PAWBO Life app is compatible with iOS (6 or above) and Android (4 or above).

Let’s play: the PAWBO Theme Park

 The PAWBO Theme Park concept has been devised with pets’ wellbeing at its very heart. A simple yet unique idea, the PAWBO Theme Park allows pet owners to create their very own source of fun for their cats, dogs and even rabbits!

With add-on accessories available – including the PAWBO Catch – owners have the opportunity to expand on the benefits that Pawbo+  brings and build an environment that promises  endless entertainment for their fluffy partners. Whether large or small depending on living space, the PAWBO Theme Park promises to be one roller-coaster ride that pets will love.

What’s more, the fun has only just begun. Watch this space for more PAWBO Theme Park developments . . .

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