Adapting sanitisation needs is key to garden centres staying open, says Cleaner Retail

Advice from Cleaner Retail – a new service designed to assist in creating a sanitised environment for safer shopping and a clean retail experience for the consumer


Garden centres have led the way in getting UK retail back on track as the coronavirus pandemic lockdown is eased. Now that garden outlets have been open for two weeks, many have successfully adapted sanitisation and social distancing operations to allow safe trading to resume. It is this adaptability and confidence to ask for a helping hand that is ensuring garden retail not only stays open but is also viewed as a best practice benchmark for the wider retail picture.


One company that has been working tirelessly with its garden centre customers is Cleaner Retail, the new venture from leading plant pot supplier, Ivyline. Created in response to a need for a true one-stop-shop offering everything needed to reopen in line with government guidelines, Cleaner Retail has made it its mission to ensure that retailers have an informed and educated provision system, supported by a product offering that is continually expanded to meet the different needs identified by retailers as they move through a new normal.


Scott Thomas, founder of Cleaner Retail, said: “The reopening of garden centres was a magnificent achievement for all involved, but now we have a responsibility to stay open, and ensure that our staff and customers are protected. Customer feedback suggests that in any retail setting there will always be areas that have not been fully considered, or ‘pinch points’ where social distancing can be more of a challenge, and sanitisation methods just aren’t cutting it. As such, retailers are having to revise their processes in order to ensure total and absolute compliance with government guidelines.


“The need to revise and adapt is totally understandable and demonstrates a willingness to learn. But, for some, it does throw up more questions than answers. Which is where we come in. At Cleaner Retail we are able to work directly with retailers to help identify areas of concern and create a bespoke solution that meets their needs. This might be a sanitisation solution that minimises downtime, hand sanitisation stations that improve customer flow, or even improved signage to help reinforce the social distancing measures that are so important.”


The first choice for UK garden retailers

Since launch, Cleaner Retail has worked with a number of the leading garden centre chains, as well as with a range of independent stores across the country. From providing bespoke branded products such as hand wash and sanitisation stations, to signage and personalised clothing, each order has been individual and designed to provide solutions that work within each retail setting regardless of its size or design.


Hero product Ramsol® leading the way

Cleaner Retail’s hero product is the Ramsol® Water-based Sanitisation Disinfectant Spray. The need to disinfect trolley and basket handles and areas of high footfall has been well documented. However, many retailers believed that appointing a member of staff armed with a hand spray bottle and disposable cloth would be enough. But with queues snaking across car parks it became apparent that this was not a time or cost-efficient way of doing things.


With Ramsol® Water-based Sanitisation Disinfectant Spray it is possible to fully disinfect trollies, handles, product displays, offices, doors and everything in between within seconds thanks to its revolutionary mist spray designed to sanitise and disinfect difficult to reach and intricate areas with full surface coverage.


The ingredients within this product deal rapidly and effectively with an extensive list of bacteria, viruses, fungi and moulds. The speed of application and effectiveness of Ramsol®’s Disinfectant enables retailers to increase the speed of service, improve the customer experience and minimise downtime. The product is also suitable for hard and soft areas including food areas, office spaces and around the plant area.


Ramsol® Water-based Sanitisation Disinfectant Spray is available in both 22 litre and 500ml containers, priced at £229 + VAT and £89.98 + VAT for 12 aerosol cans. The product is also supported with same day despatch.


The Cleaner Retail offering

In addition to sanitisation sprays Cleaner Retail also offers:

  • Portable hand washing stations
  • Portable hand sanitisation stations
  • Social distancing signage
  • Floor stickers
  • PPE including reusable antimicrobial two-ply cotton facemasks
  • Protective screening


Many products are supported by same day despatch. Where possible, Cleaner Retail has also proudly sourced product from UK manufacturers, helping to support UK manufacturing and also providing customers with peace of mind regarding availability, lead times and quality.


Pull out box

Cleaner Retail’s Sanitisation Top Tips

  • Minimise downtime – Utilise a sanitisation solution that can be applied quickly and also dries quickly to minimise downtime, meaning that staff can cover much greater areas of the store quickly and efficiently.
  • One-size-fits-all – Use a ‘one-size-fits-all’ sanitisation spray that can be used both front and back of house, including plant areas, soft surfaces and is food-safe.
  • Increase customer flow – Hand sanitisation or hand washing stations need to be positioned within areas of high footfall. Quick pump action means customer flow can continue uninterrupted to avoid unnecessary grouping of customers.



Find out more

To find out more about Cleaner Retail, or to place your order please visit Alternatively call 024 7633 9189, email




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