2016 GIMA Innovator’s Seed Corn Fund winners, Vivagreen: six months later & thriving

hornby-whitefoot-prThe third winners of the GIMA Innovators Seed Corn Fund (GISCF) were Vivagreen; receiving this industry accolade due to the simplicity and effectiveness of its MossOff product.  Since receiving the award at Glee 2016, six months have passed – a long time in the world of business. Here we catch up with Vivagreen’s co-owner, Russell Walsh, to find out more about how the GISCF award has helped business.

 Tell us more about your experience of winning the Seed Corn Fund and your time at Glee 2016.

Glee – and the GIMA Innovators Seed Corn Fund win – was an enormous networking opportunity for us. As a relatively new business it was essential that we spent the time meeting with lots of potential customers. During our time at the show we were approached by several large retailers, and also met Diarmuid Gavin, who having immediately engaged with the product and our business philosophy, has since become our brand ambassador.

How has business been since Glee 2016?

Business has been great! We’ve been so busy! Since September we have successfully appointed sales agents in the UK, who have helped us to broaden our reach across the country, and are without doubt a huge asset to the team.

We have also started negotiations with a major garden centre chain, with the aim of driving our product into stores in 2017. We’ve also secured business with Blue Diamond, Woodies and a number of independent garden centres and wider retailers. Our retail profile has grown significantly in the last six months – it’s been incredible.

Later this month we will also be attending the Garden Press Event, with the aim of launching our 2017 consumer media campaign to help drive awareness of MossOff amongst end users.

How has the GIMA Innovators Seed Corn Fund helped your business develop?

Being winners of the GISCF has helped to secure our marketing campaign for the year, driving our brand awareness on a much larger and targeted basis. The extra PR that we received as winners has also resulted in additional enquiries and interest in our business. We’ve no doubt that we would have been able to launch to the market without the fund, but certainly not as effectively or able to gain traction as quickly.

What are your overall plans/objectives for the coming year? Any product development plans?

Our aim for 2017 is to increase our retail listings, particular amongst independent garden centres.  We are also planning on maximising our Glee 2017 presence, and already have big plans for the show as we get set to launch even more exciting product innovations to the market.

What advice would you give any business thinking of entering the GISCF in 2017?

Quite simply, don’t hesitate to enter! Be sure to exploit all the opportunities, especially networking, you never know who you will meet or strike up a conversation with and what it might lead to. Plus these kind of opportunities are included in the prize package, and are free – it would be foolish to let such opportunities pass by without being maximised!

Finally, I would suggest networking to find a team of experienced individuals who can assist with all aspects of business and product development. We’ve been very lucky to meet a number of people who have given their time and experience to help us drive our business throughout the last year. Their advice has been invaluable.

GIMA Director Vicky Nuttall added: “As the GISCF heads into its fourth year, we are confident that the award has become an integral part of both GIMA’s offering, as well as a recognised industry standard.

“We are so pleased to hear that last year’s winners, Vivagreen, has been experiencing some great commercial success, and that the GISCF has played a part in this success story, however we can’t take all the credit – far from it!  MossOff is quite simply a great product, a feeling that was unanimous during the judging process for the 2016 GISCF. I for one am looking forward to seeing what is next for Vivagreen, and am sure I speak for everyone at GIMA when I say that we wish them every continued success.”



MossOff from Vivagreen

MossOff – home of the world’s greenest, safest and most advanced products for the control of moss and algae.

MossOff is a completely natural product that will get rid of moss and algae from any surface, anywhere.  It works by covering the moss in an invisible, biodegradable micro-coating that prevents it from drawing moisture from the air and, as moss has no roots, it dies. That’s why MossOff is completely harmless to other plants.

To find out more about Vivagreen and MossOff please visit www.vivagreengroup.com or call 020 719 72317.

Further information about the GIMA Innovators Seed Corn Fund can also be found at www.gima.org.uk/seed-corn-fund.


For further information on this press release please contact:

GIMA Press Office: 01959 564947 or info@gima.org.uk



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